Tag Archives: Making Home Affordable Program

1 in 5 Homeowners Dropped from Federal Mortgage Aid Program in April

April was one of the cruelest months for homeowners seeking aid from the federal government to pay their mortgages. The Washington Post reported yesterday that 280,000 borrowers — or 20% of homeowners — were dropped from the Making Home Affordable program, raising questions about the effectiveness of stemming the tide of foreclosures. Treasury data showed […]

New Program Will Help Homeowners Make a Short Sale

Beginning April 5, the government plans to launch a new program that will allow homeowners to sell their homes for less than they owe and pay them to help cushion the loss.  So far, the government’s Making Home Affordable Program focused on helping homeowners keep their homes and prevent foreclosure through loan modifications or refinancing. […]

Affordable Financial Services LTD’ Guide To The Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP)

Launched in February 2009, the government’s $75 billion Making Home Affordable Program was started with the mission of strengthening the housing market and the economy. The program offers refinancing and loan modification options to eligible homeowners, helping them stay in their homes. The loan modification option is covered by the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) […]